Welcome to 4Fj Fish Smart Tools.
NOw you’re journey begins!
Reviving Fiji’s fishing grounds starts with creating community dialogues & the 4FJ Fish Smart tools can help with that.
The launch of the 4FJ Fish Smart Tools.
All the 4FJ Tools are jargon-free, and present why our catches are declining and what we can do about it in ways that are easy to understand and will hopefully spark lots of discussion.
And that’s the goal: To sit together, in the Fijian way, to have a talanoa.
So here are our recommendations on how to use these tools, and at the end, you will see a form to give us feedback and help understand the tools you will need as you start looking to take actions.
Step 1: Start a talanoa
4FJ Bigger & Better catches guide
The guide offers a great starting point to understand overfishing and fisheries management. It explains what’s driving overfishing, ways to assess your fishing grounds health, and different fishing practices and rules that communities can try to get bigger., better catches.
The booklet is designed to be read alone, but also in groups, as there are discussion suggestions and a worksheet to further help your talanoas.
This guide can be used in a number of settings: within households, small group discussions and larger village meetings. For the ambitions, there is a PowerPoint version available for those who want to host presentations.
The booklet helps understand local actions. But we will also need to get behind the national actions, or laws and regulations, made to help our fish stocks thrive. Even if you are not a fisher, you can help communities by obeying these rules.
The 4FJ Fish Smart tools can help you know:
The minimum size your fish should
The species that are banned because stocks are too low
These tools show both the Legal and Set Sizes for common food fish and what marine species you should completely avoid.
Get our videos & radio podcasts to listen to locals talk about the issues, what’s worked and what has not…
55+ short vidoes and 4FJ kawakawa and donu documentary via our YouTube playlist and catch up on our Qoli Vakamatau talkback radio and Facebook Live talanoas!
Step 3: Become a 4FJ Champion
“Our mission is to help spread the message far and wide to reach ALL coastal communities on how they revive their fishing grounds. Will You Join Us?”
If you have are downloading these tools, it’s very likely you are invested in seeing Fiji’s fishing grounds thrive. So reach out to us (with form below) to see how else we can help you host talanoas. We can also help get you printed tools, from an office near you. And finally, as you get people talking, pretty soon, they will want to start taking actions.
So fill out the form, so we can help you along that journey with advice and additional tools.
Step 4: So you didn’t fill out the form? Well please still stay connected…
4FJ Fish Smart will release stage 2 tools later this year. For now, be part of the national talanoa to protect Fiji’s way of life.
Call or text us: +679 761 5679 / +679 976 7156
Send us an email: 4fj@cchange4good.org