Young people from across Fiji are stepping up to lead pledges drives at markets, major bus stops and at community and sporting events on weekends.
4FJ Fish Smart start national talanoa with on FBC radio waves
The 4FJ Fish Smart campaign has partnered with the Fijian Broadcasting Corporation Fiji Radio One to build a national local audience called Qoli Vakamatau (Fish Smart in iTaukei).
The show will run twice-monthly in the iTaukei language, and is one of the most cost-effective platforms to engage hard-to-reach communities across Fiji. Places that need critical information and practical local solutions to sustainably manage their fishing grounds to protect their livelihoods and secure their food security.
The first two shows are now available for catch up on YouTube (in iTaukei) and feature local experts engaging in a national talanoa about the problems and challenges that place pressure on Fiji’s fishing grounds, and ideas and solutions to Fish Smart. Inviting people to call in has become a growing feature, providing content writers with ideas and insights for future shows as well. The shows are also live streamed on the 4FJ Movement Facebook page, which has nearly 20,000 followers.
Show guests to date have included internationally recognised community advocate Alifereti Tawake from the LMMA Network International, Lisala Waqalala, a fisherman from Vitawa village and the first 4FJ fisher champion, and Alumeci Nakeke, long term campaigner and communications officer from cChange Pacific, who created the campaign.
The opportunity of hosting 48 shows over 2 years means we have plenty of airtime to build an authentic and engaging talanoa about Fishing Smart. The carefully considered format, which is informed by a technical advisory group of community-based fisheries management experts was also intentional to reflect the reality at the grassroots where communities come together and discuss problems and challenges and ideas and solutions.
4FJ Fish Smart Radio Show 1 sets the scene for a national talanoa about Fishing Smart. There are ways we used to fish and new ways to fish that can help ensure our fishing grounds can support our needs today and tomorrow.
Catch up on our second Qoli Vakamatau Radio Talk Back Show to hear from local experts about how fishing has changed in Fiji!
Beyond the airwaves
But the Qoli Vakamatau Radio Show is more than airwaves.
The frequency of the show presents the 4FJ Fish Smart campaign with a live platform to test key messages, seek feedback and gather ideas from the grassroots and experts to further inform a living information strategy. Having 48 shows in the pipeline affords the team behind the show to refine key messages, guiding questions, training for guests to stay on message and monitor the evolution of the radio show to diversify ways build a national audience twice monthly on a Wednesday afternoon.
The radio show is made possible by the Pacific-European Union Marine Partnership (PEUMP) Programme, with guidance from the Pacific Community and the Locally-Managed Marine Area Network International. The radio program is also funded through the Bloomberg Philanthropies Vibrant Oceans Initiative. Key local partners for implementation include the Wildlife Conservation Society Fiji Country Program, the Fiji Locally-Managed Marine Area Network, Conservation International, and International Union for the Conservation of Nature.
The campaign has high hopes for the program, which allows listeners, fishers in rural areas to learn from local experts, hear from other fishers about how they have changed their fishing practices to Fish Smart and build trust with the 4FJ Fish Smart campaign to hopefully become community champions. The program is part of larger Information Strategy that aims to empower all communities in Fiji to better manage their marine resources. It’s part of what the LMMA International calls the 100% Solution.
Stick with us as we learn and share our results in an effort to help both Fiji and the region do more to help Pacific Island communities better meet their needs through their ocean resources.
For more information about the Qoli Vakamatau Radio Show, please contact us
4FJ Fish Smart Rolls Out Private Sector Engagement Program
The 4FJ Fish Smart campaign hit the road in December to bring the message to more than 330 fish sellers across Viti Levu as part of a private sector engagement program run with the Ministry of Fisheries.
The program is designed to share Fiji’s legal minimum sizes to promote compliance with Fiji fishing regulations, and also open a dialogue to best understand the needs and challenges of fish sellers in Fiji, including the best way to support an ongoing dialogue.
As part of the visits, fish sellers were also surveyed to gauge awareness of the legal minimum sizes, the health of Fiji’s fisheries, changes over time to availability, size and price, and what they believed were potential drivers of overfishing. Fifty surveys have been completed so far.
“The feedback was very positive from fish sellers about engaging in a national dialogue about the health of our fishing grounds and ways to increase catches and improve availability of fish for fish sellers,” said Mafa Qiolele, the program manager for cChange Pacific, the organisation that created the 4FJ campaign.
“But this is just the start, we will head to Vanua Levu next, and keep growing this movement. Sellers have a vested interest in sustainable fisheries management, so there is a lot of common ground, and a strong desire to work together,” Qiolele said.
The campaign team visited fish sellers, hotels, restaurants, supermarkets and local stores in Lami, Suva, Nasinu, Nausori, Navua, Sigatoka, Nadi, Lautoka, Ba, Tavua, Rakiraki and Korovou.
The engagement program follows a survey conducted by cChange in August to understand general awareness of legal minimum sizes, and if at all, whether people knew the correct legal minimum sizes. The survey found that while two-thirds of people know that Fiji has legal minimum sizes, only 11% could correctly name on correct legal size for a fish.
Fish sellers were showed draft posters, and booklets to promote compliance and feedback was positive. cChange is working to finalise the tools now and ideally share them in the new year.
Photo captions: Mesulame Kuiladra speaking with street food sellers about the campaign; Mesu Kuiladra speaking with fish sellers to middlemen at a Nadi fish market, Bar Belle in Suva pledge and support our campaign, Private Sector Outreach Team (left to right) - Mesulame Kuiladra (cChange) , Viliame Daunivalu (Fisheries Officer: Lami), Ulamila Navuni (Fisheries Officer: Nadi), Ministry of Fisheries Driver, Marama Bulamaibau( 4FJ volunteer), Mafa Wilson (cChange), Taina ( 4FJ volunteer).
The private sector outreach program is funded through Oceans 5 and Bloomberg Philanthropies Vibrant Oceans Initiative and is being implemented in partnership with cChange, Wildlife Conservation Society Fiji, Fiji Locally-Managed Area Marine Network, Conservation International, and International Union for the Conservation of Nature.
Rugby & Fish Smart: joining forces for Fiji’s future
Fiji loves rugby and fish. The 4FJ Fish Smart campaign brought these two loves together as a proud match ball sponsor of the 11th Kombat 7's Uluinakau at Ratu Cakobau Park, Nausori last weekend!
Since the tournament started in 2009, it has become a promising proving ground for future Fiji rugby royalty, including players like Josua Vici, Setareki Bituniyata, Masivesi Dakuwaqa, Samu Bale, Glen Cakautini and Waisea Nacuqu.
Being an attraction for promising talents and energetic crowds, the 4FJ Fish Smart campaign took the opportunity to also host a pledge drive to raise awareness about avoiding undersized fish and other marine species, to allow them to get big enough to breed and restock Fiji’s fishing grounds, before we catch them.
Gareth Baber, current coach of Fiji’s national rugby 7’s team came by to chat with the 4FJ team and hear about what we are doing to help improve livelihoods and food security for Fijians. Coach Baber was quick to take up the case.
Gareth Baber, current coach of Fiji’s national rugby 7’s team pledges to avoid undersized fish.
“I pledge to say no to undersized fish! Let them breed and multiply”, said coach Baber.
The 4FJ campaign originally launched in 2014 to improve management of kawakawa and donu
fisheries in Fiji. The 4FJ Movement created a diverse coalition of local champions, communities, faith-based organisations, and private sector institutions and in turn, supported the creation of a national seasonal ban.
4FJ Fish Smart is the next chapter in the 4FJ campaign, bringing that coalition back
together again to expand efforts to promote a host of Fish Smart practices to help communities better manage all marine species, to best meet their food and income needs, today and tomorrow. The campaign message transition is simple: “We came together to help kawakawa and donu thrive, now let’s help the rest.”
For urban areas, the best way to support healthy fishing grounds is to pledge to avoid undersize fish. General sentiment amongst the crowd agreed with the new 4FJ Fish Smart pledge.
“Thank you for the work you guys do. You are making an impact in ensuring that our future generations have an abundance of fish”, said Sireli Bobo (former Flying Fijians winger and 7’s World Cup winner).
Maciu Bolaitamana presenting the tournament trophy to Captain of the Nadi Greens side, who won the final of the Fellow Fijians Competition at the Uluinakau 7's Tournament at Ratu Cakobau Park, in Nausori.
As part of the campaign, through champions from all walks of life, 4FJ Fish Smart is role modeling the right behaviours.
The 4FJ Fish Smart campaign was proud to partner with tournament event organisers to host a pledge drive stall and receive quality air time over the public announcements and to present a tournament trophy. Vinaka to our partners.
Of note, the 4FJ Fish Smart campaign has since been invited to support the Delaikamali Youth 7s and Netball Tournament in Labasa in the new year which aims to raise funds for youth village projects that aim to combat the effect of climate change for a better Fiji.
The 4FJ campaign is funded through the Pacific-European Union Marine Partnership (PEUMP) programme and implemented in partnership the Locally-Managed Area Marine Network International and the Pacific Community (SPC). The PEUMP programme is funded by the European Union and Government of Sweden.
The campaign is also funded through Oceans 5 and Bloomberg Philanthropies Vibrant Oceans Initiative and is being implemented in partnership with cChange, Wildlife Conservation Society Fiji, Fiji Locally-Managed Area Marine Network, Conservation International, and International Union for the Conservation of Nature.